It must be about two weeks since we took a day driving far far away into the nature park Harulaid. We parked the car and continued by foot to this lighthouse, it took one hour to go there and one hour back in the sun and wind. The nature was absolutely stunning! Since we know very little Estonian and couldn´t find good info in English about this we didn´t really know what to expect, but we like lighthouses and tend to seek them out wherever we go. When we got there we found out that the very special thing with this lighthouse was that it was tilted! We couldn´t believe our eyes. A. wanted to climb it but I wouldn´t let him.
When I am home alone I usually treat myself to some goodies from the deli counter so I just enjoyed a meal of vegetarian pizza served with salami and serrano ham. Later, with my tea, I will sample some fine Swedish blue cheese and some biscuits. I crave salt because it is so very hot today and I topped off all the tiltedness and work with joining my colleagues in the Stockholm Pride parade through Stockholm. It was wonderful, a true celebration of love really, with lots and lots of different people, but it was so hot in the sun and now I am exhausted even though I left the parade after about 45 minutes. Oooof, I think I will just lay down on the couch now and watch TV and ignore the fantastic summer evening outside! Rest, so I can cook properly tomorrow and write something more substantial!
Work hazards, eh? I remember those from my time in government politics well:)
And now I'm embarrassed - I'm the one who's Estonian here, and I'm yet to go to Harulaid. Next year, hopefully, I'll get to check out this really-really tilted lighthouse..
"...vegetarian pizza served with salami and serrano ham." An oxymoronic* pizza. Sounds good, anyway.
* "Oxymoron: A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined." American Heritage Dictionary.
What a great lighthouse!
Sounds like you needed to take care of yourself and did well.
Pille, yes - work hazard is a good name for it. I feel better now after a wonderful sleep-in this morning! And I can really recommend Harulaid and western Saaremaa. We stayed in Kihelkonna in a good guesthouse.
Steve, I know it is a contradiction going on here but the pizza was vegetarian when I bought it. Then I added the rest myself!
Tanna, isn´t it? It looked so fun! BUt I still don´t know how it happened, maybe the ice moved it or something.
You will have to come to Tartu next time you visit Estonia to see the tilted Art Gallery house in the town hall square.
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